First, some good news…

It’s a good week, folks. And not just because it’s Thanksgiving (although this has long been my favorite holiday). No, the reason this is such a good week is that this is the week my new single is finally done.

Oh, you didn’t know I’ve been working on a single?

I’ve been working on a single. (Yay!)

So you’re probably asking yourself, “When do I get to hear it?” The good news is, you can preview the song Here! On this blog! In the right hand navigation of the home page. I’ll have the song up for the next 48 hours, so listen to your heart’s content. Later this week I’ll submit the song for digital distribution, and as soon as it’s ready to buy online, I’ll let you know.

In the mean time, maybe check out my new face book page?

Happy listening!

A blog at 1:13 am you say?

Inexplicably: I’m here. I’m awake. I’m writing.

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing lately.
Mostly I consider sharing anecdotal evidence about how my name is super hard to spell (just ask the guys at starbucks), or how my position as an IT employee is ever increasingly cemented by the number of machines accumulating on my desk.
But I’ve also been making a concerted effort to write more music lately – trying to write a song every week (or every two…)

You’ll notice, (when you try songwriting), that it’s really rather difficult.
Lyrics, especially.
I find lyrics to be the hardest part of songwriting because they are the part that MATTER, aren’t they?  And even more challenging is writing a great  lyric, one that not only means something but is also cleverly and conceptually devised.

One way to do this is to practice, but the other sure fire way to get a great song lyric is to have something super awesome/scary/funny/traumatic/celebratory happen in your life.

If not, you’ll just have to read about events of the sort. [And practice.]

As such, in addition to writing, I’ve been reading a ton. And I thought it might be fun to share the books I’m reading right now:

    1. Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
      Let’s be honest, it was just embarrassing that I’ve never read anything by Lewis until now.  I haven’t completely finished this book, but I’m close. Of course it’s a classic, but I also really admire the way he can say SO MUCH with so few words.
    2. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown
      I first heard this author when she gave a Ted Talk on vulnerability. She writes the way she speaks, and it’s a little like you’re sitting on the couch in her living room, coffee cup in hand (by the way, I never sit on couches without a coffee cup in my hand). I’m impressed with what she calls “wholehearted living,” and I found the book to be an enjoyable and thought provoking read.
    3. Anything by Jennie Allen
      I am about 2/3 way through this book – and while I don’t LOVE the style it’s written in – I do love the way it’s causing me to consider the brevity of life on earth, the weight of eternity, and how I live my life while I’m here.
    4. Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan
      This is probably the book I’ve most been looking forward to reading – and I’ve just started. Into the preface, introduction, and first chapter, I love it already. He has a style of writing that is easy and peaceful. (You know those writers, the ones who were meant to really communicate through the written word?)  The concept is one I’m very interested in, (Being with Jesus every season of your soul), and it’s a book to savor, not to be rushed. I can already tell it will be difficult for me not to simply plow through.
    5. Love Does by Bob Goff
      Have yet to start this one, but it looks interesting. Donald Miller wrote about Bob in his book “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” and apparently, Bob is living the best story on the planet.


You can’t really see it, but underneath all those books is my journal. A big, black, boxy journal on which is printed this quote:


And it may or may not be true, but it’s certainly something to think about.

Happy weekend, friends.

If I find Ludo, I’ll let you know

Why is it so difficult to write?

Words, music….

Lately all my notebooks are brick walls.
Brick walls with nothing to say and no reflection.  Too slippery to hold my thoughts.

[I guess these particular brick walls are moss covered…]  

Maybe it’s a matter of becoming my own again. 
Maybe I’m trying to write for someone other than myself. 
Maybe there are seasons, and this is just one of “those” seasons.

Of course I’m just rambling now.
These words, they don’t mean anything.
They’re just a way for me to write myself out of a moss covered brick walled maze.

The Choice to Be

Last week in my songwriting class, I heard a phrase that has stuck with me for the last 10 days… I don’t even remember the context of what was being said, but the simplicity of the statement found a home in me.

Writers Write
Runners Run

Some days, I don’t feel like a writer. I sit, I try, I mess around on the guitar… But after an hour I stand up, put my guitar back on its stand, and wonder…. What is it that I’m trying to do, exactly?

But I read those words, [Writers Write / Runners Run], and I know that being a writer is more than just a measurable result, a productive feeling or a paycheck.

Being a writer is a choice that requires action.

The comparison, contrasting writing with running, it means something to me now. It means something to me because in the last 6 months I became a runner. And it didn’t happen because I was born a runner. It didn’t happen because running is easy. I didn’t become a runner by magically showing up at the track one morning. I became a runner by choosing to run, over and over and over again.

And so I look at the words, written on a canvas and hanging on my wall.
And I remind myself of truth.

Whatever the goal, whatever the desire..
I can choose to do the thing that transforms me into who I want to be.

You Know You Grew Up In Church And Are Old When…

The other day I was invited to a music festival by some new friends at a church small group. They told me Toby Mac would be performing and asked if I knew who he was. I politely responded with the obvious, “Oh yes. I’ve been a DC Talk fan since I was in diapers.”

And then everybody in the room stared at me because THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHO DC TALK IS.

I. Am. Old.

And I’ve been a Christian for way too long.


Is that possible?

I rescind my last statement.

But not the old part.

I Thought This Was Funny

In my last Alaskan-visit hours, I spent part of the morning helping Audrey get ready for daycare – before our final goodbye.

After breakfast it was time to get dressed, so we went to her room and I said, “It’s clothing time.”

She said nothing.


Three year olds, right?

She wouldn’t recognize nineties themed musical humor if it walked up and told her it was time to leave or put her pants on.


You guys, I’ve been waiting 4 months to show you this:

It’s the TUNE website!

Oh. What’s the TUNE website you ask? Well, it’s the website associated with the songwriting contest I won in November, and it’s the launch of their campaign.



You can listen to (and download for free!) the new recording of my song, “Changing My Ways.” In fact you can listen to (and download for free!) all of the songs that were selected. There are also videos!, and links!, and well, if you’re looking for information on emotional, physical, or mental health – I’m pretty sure TUNE is what you’re looking for.


Oh! and I think I’m going to be on tv and/or the radio in the next few days. I make no promises on my actual appearance because, you know, hollywood, they’re always editing things out last minute. But if I find out when and where, you, my blog readers, will be the first to know!

On Time

Amidst all the music, I’ve mostly spent the last few weeks catching up with old friends and hitting the old hot spots. I can’t think of any better way to spend a tour than spending it with friends, and I’m telling you, I’ve got some of the best friends in the world.

We’re talking lifelong friends, the ones I’ve known since I was 5, or 15. Friends who really know me, and the ones I haven’t seen in 8 years but having coffee with them is like, so normal. These are the friends I will call when I get married. These are the ones who I KNOW will be my friends forever.

I have enjoyed this time. In fact, the best part about these last 6 months has been TIME. Time to be with family, time to be with friends, time to be with God, time to be by myself. I am a person who needs time, and space, to just be. I don’t like being rushed, I hate not having time to just sit, to stop and enjoy the coffee and the company. And the one thing I will miss most about leaving this season of life is time.

I will have to move on, get settled, take root, work again. I will probably need to make new friends, those who only know the me I am today. But I will always have the lifelong friends, and I will always have the time we spent together at childhood birthday parties, high school speech meets, college lecture halls, manicure appointments, and that extended vacay I took in 2010 to visit them back “home.”

Shure Songwriting Award – Please Vote!


I entered a really cool songwriting contest, where the winner is offered a spot in a 9-month professional songwriting course in London, ENGLAND – tuition free!

(Did you catch that? L O N D O N!)

The contest is called the Shure Songwriting Award, and all it takes to vote for me is a few clicks and an email address.

  1. Click here to visit 
  2. See the person on the far right with a TV for a head? Click on her shins to view the entries.
  3. My video is on the 6th page of videos in the bottom right corner, “I Wonder.”
  4. Select my video, enter your email address, and vote! It’s that simple.

Then tell your friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell everyone you meet!

Re-blog it, Re-tweet it….

Your votes can advance me to the next round, where the final decision will be made by an artist named Paloma Faith. Voting extends through April 23rd, and final decisions will be made sometime in May.

Vote for me? I will love you forever and always. : )


Well, folks, the time is upon us. I’m taking a MAJOR road-trip over the next month, visiting Oklahoma, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, and Nebraska. Truth be told, it’s a mini vacation because I’m going to get to spend over two weeks hanging in Minnesota with my “peeps,” friends and family that I don’t get to see very often. I’m very much looking forward to it.

So here’s what’s on the docket. If you’re in the area, I’d love to see you!

MARCH 31st: 
Metro Christian Academy chapel, 8 am
Tulsa, OK

APRIL 7th:
Grace Bible College chapel,  945 am
Grand Rapids, MI

APRIL 7th:
Calvary Church, Young Adults Axiom, 730 pm
Naperville, IL

APRIL 16th:
Corner Coffee, 8 pm
Minneapolis, MN 
Come see me and 3 other artists – no cover, great coffee!

APRIL 17th:
State of Bean Coffeehouse, 6 pm
Andover, MN
Story Show! I’ll be sharing music, and the stories that go with them.

 APRIL 25th:
TUNE Campaign Event, University of Nebraska Lincoln 1-4 pm
Westfield Shopping Center, Lincoln, NE

There are a couple events still in the works, so I’ll definitely be letting you know when there are updates. Please, come! Tell your friends! And please, contact me if you have any questions.

Can’t wait to tell you how it all goes… :  )